
European Parliament Committee adopts position on Revision of the Posting of Workers Directive

The European Parliament’s Employment Committee supported the principle of equal treatment for posted agency workers when adopting its report on the revision of the Posting of Workers Directive on 16th October.

Published on 16th October 2017

On 16th October, the Employment Committee of the European Parliament adopted its report on the revision of the Posting of Workers Directive. The Committee supported the principle of equal treatment as defined in Article 5 of the Agency Work Directive (including Option of derogations) also for posted agency workers. Furthermore, the Employment Committee voted in favour of maintaining a Provision in the initial Directive, allowing Member States to apply stricter conditions in the context of the posting of agency workers.

The World Employment Confederation-Europe, social partner for temporary agency work representing the employers, supported from the very beginning of the debate on the revision of the Directive the principle of equal treatment for posted agency workers, as long as it is defined in the same way as in Article 5 of the Directive on temporary agency work. The World Employment Confederation-Europe also called for maintaining Article 3, paragraph 9, allowing Member States to apply more favourable conditions.

The plenary vote on the Posting of Workers Directive is planned for October 2017.



topics: Labour mobility
content types: News
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