
WEC Europe contributes to debate on European Pillar of Social Rights

The World Employment Confederation-Europe seeks to actively contribute to the debate on the European Pillar of Social Rights, which can be an important instrument to adapt labour markets to the changes that take place in the world of work. Its latest contribution is a position paper on the 20 principles of the European Pillar of Social Rights.

Published on 10th July 2017

The World Employment Confederation-Europe contributed to the two EU Social Partners’ first stage consultations on the Written Statement Directive and on Access to Social Protection, providing policy recommendations but also best-practices from the employment industry.

As a complementary contribution to the debate at EU level, the World Employment Confederation-Europe published in July a position paper on the 20 principles of the EU Pillar of Social Rights, showcasing the role of the employment industry but also calling upon EU policy makers to respect the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality.

Topics linked to the EU Pillar of Social Rights have also been discussed during the Strategic Dialogue event “Building a competitive and futureproof labour market”, which was held on 21 June. A conference report is available.

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