
EU Single Market for Business Services

The EU Single Market is one of the major achievements of the European integration process. It allows people, services, goods and capital to move more freely, offering opportunities for European businesses and greater choice and lower prices for consumers. It also enables citizens to travel, live, work and study wherever they wish. The Single Market is a key driver of growth, job creation and competitiveness in Europe.

In 2015, the European Commission presented a comprehensive strategy to unlock the full potential of the Single Market. It addresses challenges such as the collaborative economy, access to finance for SMEs, cross-border provision of services, public procurement and intellectual property.

The private employment industry not only supports workers to find jobs and progress in the labour market, it also enables companies to adapt to change in an increasingly volatile and dynamic economy. Business services therefore play an important part in the growth of the European economy. Strengthening the Single Market for business services is essential to unlock the private employment industry’s contribution to economic growth and job creation.

To further support the development of the single market for services, the World Employment Confederation-Europe joined forces with several other sectors providing business services and founded the European Business Services Alliance (EBSA). Since 2019, WEC-Europe holds the Chairmanship of EBSA.
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